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Welcome to box

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The goal of this package is to provide a command line interface that allows you to easily package your existing python project with PyApp.

Currently, box only support python projects that have their metadata stored in a pyproject.toml file. See here for details.


  • This package is still in a very early development phase! Please report your findings and issues, so that we can improve this tool together.
  • box is not yet production ready and breaking changes may occur with new releases. These will be noted in the release notes and in the changelog.

Issues, comments, contributions,...

We welcome contributions to this project. If you run into any problem, want to suggest a feature, want to contribute, or just want to say hi, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub or to start a new discussion.


In order to run box, you must have cargo installed. Instructions to do so can be found here.


Installation Instructions

To install with pipx, type:

pipx install box-packager

Alternatively, you can install the latest version directly from the GitHub repo. This is only recommended if you want the latest tweaks. For a production environment, please use the official releases.

pipx install git+

To install box as a rye tool, type:

rye install box-packager

Alternatively, you can install the latest version directly from the GitHub repo. This is only recommended if you want the latest tweaks. For a production environment, please use the official releases.

rye install --git box

We do not recommend installing box with pip, however, if have to do so for some reason, install it via:

pip install box-packager

Alternatively, you can install the latest version directly from the GitHub repo. This is only recommended if you want the latest tweaks. For a production environment, please use the official releases.

pip install git+

Usage - the short version

Initialize a project

From within your project directory, run:

box init

This will ask you a few questions, answer them, and you will be done.


To package your project, run:

box package

This will first build your project using. the selected builder. Then, the latest PyApp source will be downloaded and unpacked. Finally, the project will be packaged with PyApp using cargo.

You can find the executable in the target/release directory.

Further resources